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The Berenstain BearsMeet Santa Bears

肯思青少儿英语 圣诞绘本

It was just two daysafter Thanksgiving and sights and sounds of Christmas could be seen and heardall over Bear Country.
"It seems tome," said Mama Bear as the Bear family arrived at the Bear Country Mall,"that the Christmas season starts earlier every year."
"Yes! Isn't itgreat?" said Papa Bear, admiring the mall decorations.
"I'm not sosure," sighed Mama. "I'm concerned about Brother and Sister Bear. Toomuch excitment isn't good for cubs.

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"Noneed to be concerned," said Papa. "Brother and Sister are good littlecubs. I'm sure they'll be calm and sensible about the wholething."

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But if Papa hadlooked at Brother and Sister at that moment, he wouldn't have been so sure.They were passing the big new toy store, and Brother and Sister didn't look theleast bit calm and sensible.

They had just comefrom watching Saturday morning television and there had been lots ofcommercials for the new Christmas toys.
Sister had wantedthem all...
- a bear-bug Teddythat hugged you back when you squeezed it, a ride-on pinkpony, a clown-face mobile kit, and Giggly Goo, a strange substance that you couldmake into all sorts of funny shapes.
- 一个当你压它的时候会抱你的抱熊泰迪,一只可骑的粉红色小马,一个小丑脸的床铃,还有咯咯咕,一个你能弄成任何滑稽形状的奇怪东西。

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There had been somethings that had excited Brother, too...
- especially aremote-control robot that could stand on its head, and a dinosaur molding kit.

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And there they were,right in the toy store window - plus lots more! Sister was so excited, she was practically jumping up and down. And when Brother read a sign saying SantaBear was coming to the mall to meet all his cubfriends, she got even more excited.

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"SantaBear!" she cried. "Oh, Mama, may I come meet Santa Bear? Please, mayI? Please?"
"In goodtime," said Mama, sighing again. "Calm and sensible, eh?" shesaid, looking at Papa.


    12月20日,21日(每天3场 10:00、14:00、16:00)肯思化身“圣诞小镇”,不一样的异国风情,不一样的圣诞体验,为你带来一个银白色的圣诞之旅。


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